Project Finance & Project Financial Modelling (Online Course)

Project Finance & Project Financial Modelling (Online Course)


Commences:18 November 2024


Live Online Course


Limited seats available.
Register 3 persons to enjoy group discount.


Today’s project finance (PF) transactions require a higher level of expertise not only in programming more sophisticated and flexible financial models, but also in incorporating the latest risk mitigation and credit enhancement instruments. While higher standards of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) impact management are being demanded of all major capital projects worldwide, more options and models for ESG mitigation, insurance, guarantee products, and financing instruments are now available. This online course covers both the latest PF strategies, risk mitigation instruments, as well as financial modelling best practices.

The objective of this course is to provide participants with an enhanced understanding of the practical & documentation requirements of all interested parties to today’s PF transaction. This programme provides you with proven PF analytical strategies and transaction structuring techniques which will enable you to quantitatively assess risks, resolve constraints, and reach project financial closure. This programme is also designed to enhance the check lists and benchmark metrics by which you can reduce losses and which will be viewed favourably by both management and the regulatory community.

Benefits of Attending

  • Understand the key practical and transaction management requirements of today’s project finance (PF) marketplace
  • Oversee and direct PF transactions including managing specialist transaction advisors
  • Manage PF documentation requirements and manage detailed lender due diligence requirements
  • Designing commercial financing instruments, funding products, and “blended finance” strategies
  • Select and apply credit enhancement and guarantee products to ensure PF bankability
  • Techniques for managing and reaching PF transaction commercial closure & financial closure
  • The latest standards for analyzing and mitigating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) impacts of PF transactions
  • Best practices for resolving practical PF challenges in specific infrastructure and industrial sectors including – renewable energy; power transmission & energy pipelines; logistics & transport facilities; airports, ports, & roads; desalination plants; water & wastewater treatment facilities; accommodation, hospitals & education facilities; commercial real estate, agro-industrial facilities; mining & natural resources, etc.
  • Practical standards for designing & programming financial models for PF transactions, data assumptions, financial statements, international accounting standards, and bankability metrics
  • Review and critique PF financial models prepared by specialist PF financial advisors
  • Stress-test PF models: sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, and overseeing Monte Carlo simulation analysis techniques
  • Use PF financial models to guide risk-allocations, credit enhancements instruments, bankability measures, and reach transaction financial closure

Live Online Course – How It Works

The structure of our virtual learning program is designed to keep the same levels of engagement and networking as our on-site public courses. Course content is delivered through our easy-to-use online learning platform and is supplemented by case studies and practical exercises.

Like our classroom-based public courses, you will have live interaction with our course facilitators and other participants. Our live online courses are led by our experienced instructors, who will provide you with easily digestible content, using knowledge learned from many years in the industry, during scheduled times. Delegates will receive copies of the course materials electronically.

This course is scheduled to take place over 8 live online sessions using virtual learning technology.

Course Agenda

Session 1: 18 November 2024, 12pm – 3pm GMT

Limited-Recourse Project Financing Models & Transaction Management

  • Special requirements of today’s limited-recourse project finance transactions
  • SPV and its requirements for bankable project finance
  • PF Transaction Case Study: Bujagali Falls Hydroelectric Dam Project Financing, Uganda
  • Key financial analysis measures for PF bankability & creditworthiness
  • PF deal origination & transaction stakeholder management requirements
  • Constructing the PF feasibility study & investment business case
  • Reaching PF transaction closures: commercial closure vs. financial closure

Session 2: 19 November 2024, 12pm – 3pm GMT

PF Documentation Management, Risk Analysis Models & ESG Mitigation Options

  • PF contracts & key transaction documentation requirements
  • Transaction Case Study: Victoria Desalination Plant Project Financing, Victoria, Australia
  • PF risk analysis standards and models
  • PF risk management & mitigation strategies
  • Interactive Group Exercise: Structuring a PF Transaction & Reaching Financial Closure

Session 3: 20 November 2024, 12pm – 3pm GMT

Sources of PPP Financing: Financial Products, Guarantee Instruments, Credit Enhancements & Bankability Techniques

  • PF instruments & financial products: requirements, opportunities and challenges
  • Dealing with “sovereign ceilings”, financing instruments & guarantee products for bankable PF
  • Transaction Case Study: As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 1 & Phase 2 Project Financing, Jordan
  • PF risk analysis standards and models
  • PF credit enhancement options & refinancing techniques

Session 4: 25 November 2024, 12pm – 3pm GMT

Designing Financial Models Part 1: Financial Model Design Requirements & Work Plan Management

  • Designing effective PF financial models
  • Practical management of PF data-gathering & input assumption requirements
  • Interactive Group Exercise: Designing a PF Financial Model – Identifying Key PF Outputs and Data-Gathering Requirements

Session 5 & 6: 26 & 27 November 2024, 12pm – 3pm GMT

Designing Financial Models Parts 2 & 3: Programming Financial Statements and Interpreting International Accounting Standards

  • PF model formatting & presentation standards for ease-of-understanding & clear decision-making
  • Designing PF model “dash boards” & “inputs & results” worksheets
  • Designing PF capital expenditure worksheets
  • Developing the financing worksheet
  • The PF profit & loss statement & the cash flow statement
  • Programming proforma balance sheets
  • Designing other supporting PF model worksheets
  • Accommodating different accounting standards & currency issues
  • Reviewing, trouble-shooting, and auditing PF models
  • Interactive Group Exercise – Part 2: Reviewing, Critiquing & Stress-Testing a PF Financial Model

Session 7: 4 December 2024, 12pm – 3pm GMT

Designing Financial Models Part 4: PF Model Stress-Testing, Simulation Analyses, and Modelling for Credit Enhancements

  • PF model outputs for bankability, creditworthiness, affordability, and sustainability
  • Managing PF model stress-testing, sensitivity analysis, auditing & simulations

Session 8: 5 December 2024, 12pm – 3pm GMT

Summary Interactive Group Exercise

  • Interactive Group Exercise: Evaluating a PF Financial Model for PF Risk Allocation, Transaction Closure and Post-Transaction Economic Regulation & Tariff Adjustment

Training Methodology

This online workshop features rigorous new interactive methodology that require attendees to demonstrate their understanding with each module’s practical techniques and learning outcomes. Every 10-15 minutes throughout each session, you will be required to complete either focused review questions for selecting among a range of PF transaction management decisions. You should be prepared to actively participate, and not merely to “watch & listen” video presentations.

Case studies of PF transactions will feature the real-world details of PF Info memos, feasibility studies, impact assessments, and PF agreements to provide first-hand understanding of the challenges of PF transactions. Discussions will place you into the practical roles of key management decision-makers who not only need to analyze and understand PF investment proposals, but who have to make real-world decisions on transactions. As a result of actively engaging in this program’s methodology, you will be able to make practical decisions on PF strategies, projects, and transactions for your organizations following the workshop’s completion.

Pre-Course Questionnaire

We would like to customise the workshop based on your specific needs. Pre-Course Questionnaire will be sent prior to the workshop for analyse in advance and to be addressed during the course.

Course Certificate

Upon the successful completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion bearing the signatures from both the Course Director and the Course Organiser. This Certificate will testify your endeavour and serve towards your professional advancement.

What People Are Saying

❛❛ Great content, ideal for a hands-on approach to Project Finance. ❜❜
Connect Plus
❛❛ The course had a good balance of both the quantitative and qualitative factors to be considered in project finance modeling. The instructor is experienced yet approachable. ❜❜
Asian Development Bank
❛❛ It is a very good program for both beginners in Project Finance and as a refresher for practitioners alike. ❜❜
PE Power
❛❛ I must say that I was skeptical before joining the course, as I did not know what to expect, but I really enjoyed it. Very well managed! ❜❜
❛❛ I am very proud to participate in this Training. Very large in concepts and examples. Thank you. ❜❜
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Who Will Attend

Directors / Managers / Executives of:

  • Finance
  • Business Development
  • Project Development
  • Project Finance
  • Commercial
  • Investment
  • Planning & Strategy

From all sectors, including but not limited to:

  • Energy
  • Mining
  • Water & Waste Treatment
  • Financial Institutions
  • Government Authorities
  • Infrastructure
  • Transportation
  • Healthcare
  • Housing
  • Commerce and Industry

Endorsers & Media Partners

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