Public-Private Partnerships (Online Course)

Public-Private Partnerships (Online Course)


Commences: 3 September 2024


Live Online Course


Limited seats available.
Register 3 persons to enjoy group discount.


Mastering PPP project analysis, financing, contracts & transaction management techniques

We need new infrastructure. Roads, airports, schools, hospitals and housing: the list is enormous and growing. Yet severely limited budgets, economic uncertainty caused by volatile commodity prices, and deficits continue to prevent government at all levels from delivering the kinds of structural change that has always been needed. In response, some countries have developed successful PPP programmes. Merely grasping the concepts of PPP does not do justice to our great responsibility of having an ownership in the country’s future. We already know what we need to do, now is the time to really discover HOW.

Course Highlights

  • PPP policies, strategies, laws & units for implementing successful PPP transactions
  • Identifying & selecting appropriate projects for PPPs
  • Models for analyzing PPP projects
  • Managing & completing PPP feasibility studies
  • Financing techniques for PPP to ensure long-term PPP bankability and affordability
  • Managing and overseeing PPP procurements & achieving transaction closure
  • PPP stakeholder management & sustainability techniques
  • Managing long-term PPP contracts for ensuring service delivery, price regulation, and dispute resolution

Benefits of Attending

  • Use best practices from international case studies of successful PPP transactions and common practical pitfalls to avoid
  • Design and manage PPP legal, regulatory & institutional frameworks to attract investors and complete PPP transactions
  • Apply models for the efficient design and completion of PPP feasibility studies
  • Understand project financing requirements and evaluate PPP financial models for both affordability and bankability
  • Evaluate and apply different credit enhancement techniques to ensure PPP bankability, including blended financing, viability gap funding (VGF), partial guarantees, risk insurance products, output-based aid (OBA) and other financial instruments
  • Design PPP transaction implementation plans and manage & oversee PPP transaction advisors for reaching commercial closure and financial closure
  • Models for PPP tender documents, including PPP Project Information Memoranda (“InfoMemos”), Requests for Qualifications (RFQs), Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
  • International models for designing and drafting PPP contracts & agreements
  • Environmental & social impact mitigation techniques to structure sustainable private investments in public infrastructure
  • Plans for managing sustainable PPP contracts including ensuring technical performance, quality of service delivery, price review & adjustment regulatory models, legal contract management and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques

Live Online Course – How It Works

The structure of our virtual learning program is designed to keep the same levels of engagement and networking as our on-site public courses. Course content is delivered through our easy-to-use online learning platform and is supplemented by case studies and practical exercises.

Like our classroom-based public courses, you will have live interaction with our course facilitators and other participants. Our live online courses are led by our experienced instructors, who will provide you with easily digestible content, using knowledge learned from many years in the industry, during scheduled times. Delegates will receive copies of the course materials electronically.

This course is scheduled to take place over 8 live online sessions using virtual learning technology.

Course Agenda

Session 1: 3 September 2024, 11am – 2pm GMT

Understanding PPPs: Definition, Rationale & Requirements

  • Definition of Public-Private Partnership (PPPs) & range of different PPP contracting modalities
  • Various PPP contracting modalities with real-life case examples
  • Key phases of the PPP project cycle & their requirements
  • Case Studies: PPP structures & results

Session 2: 4 September 2024, 11am – 2pm GMT

Requirements for Effective PPP Frameworks: PPP Policies, Laws, Regulations & Units

  • Key elements of PPP frameworks
  • Case Study: Philippines Navotas BOT power project
  • Designing & managing effective PPP Units
  • Case Studies: PPP frameworks, outcomes & lessons learned

Session 3: 5 September 2024, 11am – 2pm GMT

Identifying & Selecting Appropriate Projects for PPPs: Methodologies & Techniques

  • Selecting PPP candidate projects: criteria and checklist
  • Public investment management & public financial management
  • PPP project concept paper and review/approval
  • Case Study: PPP selection & pre-feasibility of Jordan, Mauritius, & USA
  • Group Exercise: Evaluating a portfolio of candidate PPP projects

Session 4: 10 September 2024, 11am – 2pm GMT

PPP Feasibility Studies: Models for Preparing Sustainable PPP Investments

  • Managing PPP feasibility analyses
  • Case Studies: Infrastructure PPP feasibility studies from United Kingdom, South Africa, USA, & Croatia
  • PPP risk identification, analysis & allocation
  • Case Studies: Develop measurable, enforceable & “costable” output-based performance standards for the specific infrastructure sectors

Session 5: 11 September 2024, 11am – 2pm GMT

PPP Financial Models & Techniques for Ensuring PPP Bankability & Affordability

  • Infrastructure financing methods
  • Case Study: PPP financial analysis – Albania urban parking management
  • Key financial analysis measures & statements of PPP viability
  • Evaluating PPP financial models
  • Case Study: PPP project financing of Jordan wastewater treatment plant BOT

Session 6: 12 September 2024, 11am – 2pm GMT

Managing & Overseeing PPP Procurements & Transaction Advisors: Tendering Documentation & Reaching Transaction Closure

  • Effective PPP transaction management
  • Examples: Lesotho hospital PPP project procurement implementation, and India bus terminal PPP procurement
  • Managing bid process and tender documentation
  • Case Studies: PPP transaction management

Session 7: 18 September 2024, 11am – 2pm GMT

PPP Stakeholder Management & Sustainability Techniques: Models for Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Impact Analysis & Mitigation

  • PPP stakeholder management
  • Managing PPP environmental impact assessments
  • Case Studies: Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) management for PPP projects from Uganda, India & USA

Session 8: 19 September 2024, 11am – 2pm GMT

Managing Long-Term PPP Contracts: Models for PPP Technical, Economic, & Legal Performance Monitoring & Regulation

  • PPP project management
  • PPP contract management
  • Example: Dominion Power’s model Power Purchase Agreement
  • Group Exercise: Developing the organizational and management plan for a PPP contract’s Project Management Unit (CMU) to manage and monitor technical, cost, and legal contract performance for PPPs (energy, transport, environmental, healthcare or education)

Training Methodology

This online workshop features rigorous new interactive methodology that require attendees to demonstrate their understanding with each module’s practical techniques and learning outcomes. Every 10-15 minutes throughout each session, you will be required to complete either focused review questions for selecting among a range of PPP decisions, or brief group exercise assignments. You should be prepared to actively participate, and not merely to “watch & listen” video presentations.

Case studies of PPP transactions will feature the real-world details of PPP feasibility studies, tender documents, impact assessments, and PPP agreements to provide first-hand understanding of the challenges of PPP transactions. Experiential exercises will place you into the practical roles of key management decision-makers who not only need to analyze and understand PPP investment proposals, but who have to make real-world decisions on transactions. As a result of actively engaging in this program’s methodology, you will be able to make practical decisions on PPP strategies, projects, and transactions for your organizations following the workshop’s completion.

Pre-Course Questionnaire

We would like to customise the workshop based on your specific needs. Pre-Course Questionnaire will be sent prior to the workshop for analyse in advance and to be addressed during the course.

Course Certificate

Upon the successful completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion bearing the signatures from both the Course Director and the Course Organiser. This Certificate will testify your endeavour and serve towards your professional advancement.

What People Are Saying

❛❛ The course was delivered in a very professional way, with excellent clarity and very good & relevant examples of past and ongoing PPP projects. The overall course delivery was excellent.

The facilitator was very knowledgeable on the subject matter, very responsive to questions and innovative in the delivery of the PPP training program. The knowledge gained will assist me in productive participation in ongoing and planned PPP Projects in my country.

My appreciation to Infocus International for an excellent and convenient arrangement of the program which suited my work schedule very well and to the facilitator for such an excellent delivery of the program. ❜❜
Electricity Generation Company (Malawi) Ltd
❛❛ The course covers a very large spectrum of PPP & Concessions with very good examples.

I appreciate a lot the dynamic of the course. ❜❜
INEO Rail, France
❛❛ Thank you for the excellent course delivery methodology. The content was superb. ❜❜
Credit Bank
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Who Will Attend

Directors / Managers / Executives of:

  • Government officials
  • PPP units
  • Investment
  • Project Finance
  • Strategic Planning
  • Procurement
  • Legal
  • Economists

From both the public and private sectors, including but not limited to:

  • Infrastructure
  • Transportation
  • Energy
  • Healthcare
  • Housing
  • Water & waste
  • Finance & Economic Affairs
  • IT & telecom
  • Aviation
  • Defence
  • Commerce and industry

Endorsers & Media Partners

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